Celebrating 25 Proud Homeowners in 2025


On this day, 25 March 2025, we are excited to share a significant achievement – 25 of our wonderful client families have realised their dreams of homeownership! 🏑✨

In celebration of our 25 in 2025 milestone, we’re pleased to share a reel of just some of our amazing homeowners who we have had the privilege of working alongside 🌟

Our 25 amazing homeowner families represent a remarkable and diverse group who have made purchases throughout Australia, including in remote areas. They include:

  • 22 women and 12 men - highlighting that the vast majority of our client base are women. ♀♂

  • 17 social & affordable housing homes have been freed up for another household which is at risk of homelessness and on a waitlist. 🏠

  • 15 First Nation households have successfully purchased homes, reflecting our commitment to supporting First Nations communities to close the home ownership gap. πŸ–€πŸ’›β€οΈ

  • 10 single parents have achieved homeownership, providing stable and secure environments for their children. πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

Our live impact dashboard has over 100 metrics and statistics that provide evidence of the positive ripple effects that are created by empowering families to improve their financial capability and have more equal pathways to home ownership. You can check it out here: https://www.headstarthomes.org.au/impact

Please join us in celebrating our 25 in 2025 major milestone. Together we are helping to build integrational wealth by supporting families that would otherwise have no pathway to achieve their home ownership dreams.

Congratulations to all our new homeowners! Your success inspires us all everyday πŸŽ‰πŸ‘

#HeadStartHomes #Homeownership #AffordableHousing #Empowerment #FutureGoals #CommunitySupport #HousingEquity

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