Head Start Homes announces new ‘recycling book’ initiative for clients


Head Start Homes (HSH) is excited to announce a new initiative for clients who are taking part in our Savings Plans program. The initiative was made possible by our Christmas Card fundraiser and allowed us to purchase and distribute the best-selling book, The Barefoot Investor, to 27 clients.

The renowned book, known for its new age way of saving money, provides strategies and practical tips on how to reach financial and saving goals to enhance and support them on their home ownership journey.

We chose to distribute the book based on existing clients’ feedback, who told us they learnt a lot from it, found it easy to understand and implement its suggestions into their own day-to-day lives. It has helped them save money and take back control of their own finances.   

What makes this initiative even more special is that the books will be recycled and passed on, from one client to the next, allowing written notes, tips and tricks to fill the pages and provide even more value to the next client.

By “paying it forward,” sharing their journey and infusing the pages with personal accounts of how the book has impacted their lives, our clients will be able to help others make their homeownership dreams a reality.   

Kate Fenton, Home Ownership Success Manager for Head Start Homes

“We’re so excited for people to read the book and take away the practical strategies that will work towards their homeownership journey and dreams,” said Kate Fenton, Head Start Homes Home Ownership Success Manager.

“Once the book has served its purpose, we ask our clients to send it back to HSH and we will recycle it for the next person.

“We want our clients to share their learnings by highlighting the light bulb moments and tips in the book they have found helpful, as well as leaving messages of insight for the next person to gain from their learnings.

“It’s a way for our clients to empower and support each other on their homeownership journey.

“One client has already found value in the book, saying “Thank you so much! I received The Barefoot Investor book just before Christmas and I am looking forward to finishing reading it and annotating it!” 

This initiative is the first of its kind. We will continue to grow these opportunities to build an even stronger community with social equity, shared value for, and between our clients. 

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