New Wollongong Recycling Ownership program highlighted by realestateview


We invite you to read Brendan Crabb’s recent article on the realestate view below, which highlights the launch of our Wollongong Recycling Ownership program for local renters in the LGA made possible by the Wollongong City Council ✨🏡🤝 

In the article, our Founder and Managing Director, Stephen Woodlands, discusses how the initiative will help tenants in the Wollongong LGA overcome obstacles to home ownership while simultaneously opening up more affordable rental accommodation for other families in need. 🙌 

 A special thanks to realestate view of sharing our new program, which will benefit local Wollongong residents in achieving homeownership.

To read the full story, visit the link below: 

 For more information on our Wollongong Recycling Ownership program, visit: 

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