Empowerment packages making a difference at Christmas
Empowerment packages making a difference at Christmas
Thanks to Westpac, 26 Head Start Homes client families and 84 individual beneficiaries were provided with Empowerment Packages during the 2022 festive season, which included ongoing support with the HSH Home Ownership Success team along with grocery gift cards.
Richard Burton, Managing Director Mortgages for Westpac
“We understand Christmas can be challenging for many families experiencing hardship, so we worked with HSH to create these Christmas Giving packages to support their clients achieve their home ownership dreams,” said Westpac Managing Director Mortgages, Richard Burton.
Stephen Woodlands, Founder and Managing Director for Head Start Homes
HSH Founder and Managing Director Stephen Woodlands said he was most appreciative of Westpac's support.
“Christmas can be a financially difficult time for our clients. Acts of kindness and providing a bit of support goes a long way in helping our clients feel valued and committed to their Head Start Savings Plans, which assists them on their homeownership journey. “
Donations are still welcome throughout the year, so if you’d like to give to this worthy cause, please visit https://www.donatehsh.org.au. A small contribution really does make a genuine difference.