Head Start Homes AGM 2019 - Celebrating our Pathways for Change


On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 Head Start Homes held its second Annual General Meeting in Sydney. We were thrilled to have over 70 people join us in Sydney, Adelaide and online to celebrate our progress and achievements. Thanks to everyone in attendance for making it such a special night.


We had over 30 organisations attending and an amazing line up of guest speakers, including:

  • Jody Broun, Chief Executive at Aboriginal Housing Office NSW

  • The Hon. Gareth Ward, MP, Minister for Families, Communities & Disability Services

  • Alex Greenwich, Member for Sydney

  • Lucy Burgmann - Country Manager, Community Housing Limited

  • Will Ranken, General Manager Home Ownership at Westpac.

Each speaker provided heart-warming commentary on the work they are undertaking to reduce homelessness and poverty, and outlined their support for Head Start Homes’ innovative solution.

The meeting was hosted by our Chair, Karen Walsh and our Founder, Stephen Woodlands.

Karen Walsh (right), Chair and Stephen Woodlands (left), Founder

Karen Walsh (right), Chair and Stephen Woodlands (left), Founder

Karen welcomed guests and spoke of the remarkable results we have had since our last AGM:

“I have worked in homelessness and housing services and policy in both the UK and Australia for many years, and have seen a continually increasing number and diversity of households facing housing stress and homelessness. 

As such, I am truly delighted to see the Head Start Homes solution begin to make a meaningful difference through our Mid North Coast Pilot. To date, this has already inspired hope in the lives of both community housing tenants and community housing providers.”

Karen also thanked the Board, supporters, members, volunteers and corporate sponsors for their expertise, support and good will.

The room was filled with hope and heart the whole evening, especially when Stephen, our Founder and Managing Director, described how the power of Hope is empowering our applicants to dream big, and how meaningful results are being demonstrated through savings success for applicants. Charlene, one of our current applicants for a Head Start Guarantee, is an Indigenous single Mum with three beautiful children. She has said this of the opportunity:

“I would never have thought in my wildest dreams I would have the opportunity to buy my own home. It just wasn’t in my mind as a realistic opportunity. I was brought up in social housing and I didn’t really know any different. That’s why this means so much for me. Owning a home would 100% make such a difference to our lives. Just to know my kids have a home. They can paint the walls, put photos up, there’s no restrictions. It would be truly home for them.”

Stephen also thanked the wonderful support being provided by over 100 specialist volunteers who donate their time because they want to make a difference and make the world a better place:

“ It always brightens my day when volunteers tell me that they love helping Head Start Homes because it makes them feel good knowing they are making a difference”.

Stephen Woodlands, Founder

Stephen Woodlands, Founder

Stephen praised the support Head Start Homes is receiving from over 75 Australian charities and corporations (big and small) with whom we have built a co-creative environment to help promote a fairer Australia.

“we are thrilled by the overwhelming support we have revived from our partners organisations who have provided in kind support which is valued well over $1 million as we become the missing piece in the home ownership puzzle for those living in community housing”

We also said a heart-felt farewell to our Chair Karen Walsh, who has moved to the Northern Territory to take up a role as Executive Director, Housing Programs and Support Services with the NT Government. Stephen thanked her both as a Director and a friend, acknowledging the great inspiration, support and knowledge she has contributed during her time as our Chair. Thank you Karen, for flying in from Darwin especially for the night. It was also announced that the Board has appointed Airlie Fox as Head Start’s interim Chair.

The night ended with drawing the Head Start Homes raffle with the major prize of a weekend at Dangar Island; a wonderful prize donated by Karen Walsh. Congratulations again to the winner, Joel Clayton. We hope you thoroughly enjoy your time there!

A special thanks to Westpac for hosting the evening. As our Founding Partner, Westpac continues to offer incredible support of our work. Recently, Westpac also awarded Head Start Homes a $10,000 community grant to further support our Mid-North Coast Pilot. A huge thank you to Jayson Bricknell and everyone else at Westpac for their support - it was wonderful to receive the cheque at the AGM which will contribute to the creation of our very first home ownership pathway.


All attendees received a copy of Head Start Homes Annual Report. You can download your copy by clicking on the button below.

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