Our Second Head Start Guarantee
Fraser Worthington, Roseanne Freeme, Stephen Woodlands
Our Founder, Stephen Woodlands recently had the pleasure of depositing our Second Head Start Guarantee at the Shellharbour St. George Bank Branch. A big thanks to Fraser and Roseanne for helping us so diligently and with a smile.
Our Head Start Guarantee removes the need for a bank deposit and mortgage insurance for our Home Starters.
Our next successful applicant is Hope, who is a single mum of 3 beautiful Aboriginal children and a proud Grandma.
Hope has had outstanding success with her savings plans and increased her savings by over 500% in less than 6 months. Hope has also been provided with a free Property Coaching service by Brooke Flint from Flint Property so that she can find the right home at the right price.
Click and watch video, to see out how our Head Start Guarantee removes the need for a bank deposit and mortgage insurance. Our Head Start Guarantee is a world leading innovation…
Stay tuned as we will soon be providing you with more exciting news about Hope’s home ownership journey.
Further details about our Head Start Guarantee is explained in the 2 minute video above.