Hope has purchased her home
We’re thrilled to let you know that our next Applicant Hope, has purchased her own home and will be getting the keys in January 2021.
Here’s what Hope had to say when she found out the purchase had happened:
“I’m going to cry…. I’ve been driving past the house every day since I knew it was possibly going to be my home. Thank you Head Start Homes for believing in me and helping to make my home ownership dreams come true”.
Hope works as a Nurse providing essential care for patients in the Mid-North Coast, NSW and also said:
“I've been a single mother for the past 18 years raising three beautiful Aboriginal children and I’m now a grandma". "I'm proud that my children and grandchildren will benefit from having a stable home”.
You can see from the photos just how happy and excited Hope was when signing the contract.
Once Hope knew that she could achieve her home ownership dreams without the need for a deposit and mortgage insurance, everything changed. She had outstanding success with her savings plans and increased her savings by over 500% in less than 6 months. Hope became more confident and got a promotion at work and was uplifted by the example she was setting for her children and grandchildren.
Not many people know that older women are the fastest-growing cohort of homeless people in Australia today. And for many, it's an unexpected life shock that leads to hopelessness and destitution.
Hope signing the contract for her new home, with Ashley Steven’s from Ms Deeds Conveyancing
Our Founder Stephen said:
“Congratulations Hope! We’re so excited and happy for you, for all of your wonderful efforts in making this happen”.
“As a proud Grandma, Hope has proven that the Head Start Homes pathway can provide a much needed cure to reduce the homelessness crisis faced by solo mums who are older in age”.
Hope will now benefit from her household expenses reducing over time as she pays down her mortgage, and can also rely on her home as a valuable asset in retirement.
Furthermore, by purchasing her new home, a new safe and affordable community housing home will become available for another family in need on a housing wait-list.
A big thanks to our wonderful volunteers, Community Housing Limited, Flint Property and Ms Deeds Conveyancing, for supporting Hope through her home ownership journey. Also, a huge thanks to everyone who donated funds to help Hope, including Sunsuper and the Mercy Foundation for providing grant funding.
A special thanks to St. George Bank, for providing Hope with a Head Start Pledge loan which comes with their best in market interest rates and reduced fees, this will save Hope many thousands of dollars over the life of her home loan.
Please join us in congratulating Hope.
Hope and our Founder, Stephen Woodlands
Hope, Hope’s Daughter and Hope’s Grandchildren
Hope took this selfie on the day she purchased her home.