Head Start Homes at National Indigenous Economic Development Forum
Head Start Homes Founder and Managing Director Stephen Woodlands was honoured to be invited to speak at the 8th National Indigenous Economic Development Forum this week.
The forum aims to drive Indigenous economic prosperity and resilience, by advancing business and boosting employment opportunities.
Stephen spoke about Head Start Homes’ innovative solutions to help close the homeownership gap for First Nations Peoples.
Video: Stephen speaking at the Forum about the homeownership gap for First Nations Peoples.
He outlined the way Head Start Homes helps to provide equal access to home ownership and free up social housing as people are educated and empowered to purchase their own home.
This includes Head Start Homes’ innovative solutions that help First Nation Clients overcome the know-how, deposit, and supply barriers.
In Burketown for example, three First Nations people have been able to purchase their own homes through a unique pathway supported by the Burke Shire Council, Head Start Homes and Westpac. Another 9 houses in the town are in the pipeline to be purchased in the same way.
“Our mission is to help end homelessness and poverty by bringing about equal access to homeownership”.
“This is especially crucial for our First Nation Clients who face a 36% gap in home ownership rates compared to the rest of the Australian population”
Stephen Woodlands, Founder and Managing Director at Head Start Homes
About Head Start Homes
HSH reduces homelessness, poverty and frees up social housing by helping single mums, First Nations Peoples and other families living in community housing buy their own home, without a bank deposit via its Head Start Guarantee and Empowerment Services.
With the support of over 100 businesses and charities, HSH opens doors to brighter futures by harnessing innovation and fostering collaboration.
HSH is accredited as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt Community Service Organisation, and its vision is for a safe and stable home for everyone with fair and practical pathways into home ownership.
Watch: Head Start Homes explained in a few minutes