2020 Interactive Annual Report Released: Our Successful home ownership pathway

“The fact that 10 people have directly benefited from Charlene's home ownership journey illustrates how empowering people to take charge of their own lives is the most cost-effective and efficient way to reduce homelessness and poverty. This is because our solution doesn't focus on the material object of the ‘house’ - it focuses on something much more valuable and priceless: People. In turn, people turn the house into a home”.

- Stephen Woodlands, Founder and Managing Director

We’re proud with the progress we have made with our successful home ownership pathway that is helping Single mums, First Nations People and other families living in community housing buy their own home. Within the report we highlight the direct impact we have had for our Home Starters and clients as well as our plans for the future.

As we celebrate success, we thank all who have contributed to date, including our Founding Partner Westpac and our Pilot Project Partners St.George Bank, Aboriginal Housing Office, Community Housing Limited (CHL), Flint Property, Ms Deeds Conveyancing, SunSuper, Wyatt Trust, Adelaide Benevolent Society and the Mercy Foundation.

Our solution directly helps to provide equal access to opportunity because we know that empowered individuals make the best decisions for their own lives. Our Chair Vanessa Chan shares;

“I am delighted to share our achievements during this remarkable year. The impacts of climate change and the global pandemic draw into sharp focus the need for housing solutions for vulnerable Australians on low incomes, experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and those who have had to face personal crises and structural disadvantage, often with young children in tow.”

It is a privilege to Chair this dynamic social enterprise as we work together towards innovative solutions to homelessness, housing security and affordability, and I’d like to extend my thanks to our Directors who never cease to bring their passion, dedication and creativity to our work.

As we build a community of individuals, businesses and charities who are committed to addressing housing poverty in Australia, this year we have once received overwhelming community support from over 75 businesses and not for profits supporting our vision.

Leading our community of passionate individuals and supporting organisations, Head Start Homes Founder & Managing Director Stephen Woodlands shares;

“We have enormous gratitude for the support we receive from 75+ supporting businesses and not-for profits. This includes 20+ businesses who have donated in-kind support, which is valued at over $695,000 this year and $2.03 in total.

“Our people and volunteers are the heart of Head Start Homes. A huge thanks to everyone for donating their time which contributes enormously to our efforts. To date we have well over 100 volunteers. While their input is priceless, our survey shows that 30 of volunteers have donated more than 1600 hours of their time which is valued at over $100,000 .

These and many other achievements were celebrated recently at our second AGM, held at Westpac on Thursday, 19 November. Further event details and images can be viewed by clicking here.

We invite you to read through our latest report that demonstrates the milestones and achievements of the past 12 months, and highlights the voice of those who have experienced disadvantage and life in community housing, and who are now looking forward to a future free of housing poverty.

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  • We highlight the wonderful progress being made by our applicants in our Mid-North Coast Pilot who have had on average a 637% increase in their savings (see pages 22- 25)

  • We acknowledge the support being provided by our 75+ supporter organisations whose in-kind contribution was $695,747 this year and a total contribution to date of $2.03m (see page 44)

  • We outline the support being provided by our new Property Risk Committee (page 34) and ongion support from the Community Housing Sectors (see page 35)

  • We value the work of a sample of our volunteers to be worth over $100,000 (page 46). Currently, we have over 100 specialist volunteers.

  • We outline a number of new ways that you can get involved which includes recycling your old phone to help reduce homelessness and electronic waste (see page 54)

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Stephen WoodlandsComment